Monday 28 November 2011

For Flea Sake , FFS ! & There's an App !

Who knows about FFS ?
I bet you all know right?! 
Gosh? You don't know? Why you don't know?!

For flea sake have been around for quite some time already.
I have attended some of their fleas too!

Do you all know much about them? Let me tell you!
They are the largest flea market company in Singapore, with up to 10 fleas every month!

FFS - A flea market branding developed over the past 2 years for youths and young working adults.
They provide a platform for aspiring people to market and showcase their products.
With them, flea markets are made alot easier because they provide you fleastastic fun, love & joy!

Recently they came up with an iPhone/iPad/iPod app!
It is a FREE application in the App store!

With the latest updates and you will never miss anything out again!

- Know more about our company (we have job opportunities from time to time!)
- Search for the latest flea markets closest to you.
- Each flea event is explained in detail, for you to understand each and every one better.
- Bookmark each event by clicking the "Add Event to Calendar" button so you will never forget and miss the date!
- You are also able to book your flea market booths through the app without much hassle!
- Connect to us immediately through Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Mailing list!

All with just ONE CLICK at the APPLE APP STORE.
Remember to share the good bargains with your friends!

Seriously, I find it freaking awesome so you better download it!
With it, you all can find out where are the latest flea conducted by them.

If you're a blogshop owner, you will be able to know which fleas and if a booth is available!

If you're a shopper, you would know when and where to shop!
You will know when will a flea be happening near you.

E.g. you need some last min. shopping and need shop low priced items, you can just click on the app to see if there's any flea coming up or any on-going flea!

Awesome isn't it?

Download it today!

& For more details, visit or email us at

Look for "For Flea Sake" in Apple app store to download 

or !

visit the link to download from itunes.

What's more?!

Users who downloaded FFS iphone app may take a screenshot of it and enjoy 5% discount off booth rental!*
*Subjected to terms and conditions.


  1. sometimes i feel like your post content is so irrelevant to ur camwhoring pics. ugly also. cannot post one quality entry ah? have to post ur big head pics there

  2. :( horrible haters
    i agree the photos are random but pretty faces are always nice :)

  3. Hello! Can you blog about your new phone soon? I'm waiting for it hehehe! (x Thanks babe ^^
