Monday 10 March 2014

Eat-toh! ITOH Collagen Powder! :D

Hello sweetie-sweeties. 
You are sweeter than confectionary.
Tweety-tweety, cuter than you can be! 

Haha, mini-rhyming introduction uh~ 

Im here to talk about:
  •   MY review & how I drink ITOH Collagen (Mix with water, milk, soup, honey, juice etc)
  • Where to buy & price

  • Basically, its to talk about this product!

    My review? 
    1. It is tasteless 2. Colourlesss 3. Non-sugar 4. Non-fat
    -it contains 3000mg of collagen each pack!

    How I drink/EAT ITOH Collagen (HAHA!)
    I add it into my juice, my soup, my fried omelette (don't judge).
    Whatever it is, you can add it in anywhere and everywhere. 
    Simply mixing it into your mineral water would do the trick too. 

    Where to buy and price... > < 
    Its sold at every major drugstore, Guardian perhaps.
    Its SGD49.90 per box!

    It's definitely a good buy if you want to keep yourself young and beautiful the SE-CR-ET way!


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